HoneyFarm Layer 4 - HoneyBee
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In terms of investing in a DeFi project, the most important thing is not to be rug-pulled. Through HoneyFarm Layer1-Honey, Layer2-HoneyBear, and Layer3-HoneyMoon, we've shown the users another success story which has given us more credibility. CEO Pagu has done KYC through RugDoc on Layer2.
HoneyFarm Finance is a layered delegated yield farming project with deflationary tokenomics of a maximum supply in previous layers. Layer 3's native token, MOON, will stop emission at End Block: 11832800 and Layer 4's native token, BEE, will start its emission soon at Block 0000. HONEY, BEAR and MOON will be used to farm BEE, the cool thing is that HONEY, BEAR and MOON holders can acquire BEE in advance to the official start of Layer 4 through Pre-IHO. Among the aspects of DeFi investment, the best one is 'not to be rugged'. In terms of HoneyFarm, there should be no one who's worrying about it. Then, back to the basic, the origin goal of 'investment' is to 'make profit'. And HoneyFarm has shown it clearly. For Layer 4, HoneyFarm team will focus on making strategic alliance with several partners through features like IHO to create wide-range of eco-system that HoneyFarm's native tokens will be used and burned. The team will keep trying to operate Layer 4 better and greater!
BeeKeeper (Deposit Fee): "BeeKeeper takes honey for protecting HoneyBeez" 3% Deposit Fee (0% for HONEY & BEAR & MOON & BEE related pools) will be used for buyback&burn, marketing&advertising, Royal&NFT Jelly, Honey Pot and dev fee
Giant Hornet (Withdraw Fee): "When a HoneyBee leaves hive, giant hornets come and get her". 3~0% Withdraw Fee (0% for HONEY & BEAR & MOON & BEE related pools) will be charged to encourage longer farming
Layered farming: Ensures continuous profits for native token holders
BusyBee: Auto-compounding vault with lowest fee which will be used for BEE buyback
Royal Jelly: Deposit BEE, get some Royal Jellies!
NFT Jelly: Deposit BEE, HONEY, BEAR, MOON get hottest NFTs!!
Honey Pot: Deposit BEE, win big reward!!!
Initial HoneyFarm Offering: Finest gateway for partner projects, effective way to burn HONEY, BEAR, MOON and BEE!!!!