The farming start is scheduled on Saturday 16.10.2021 at 13:00 UTC
Date&Time (Estimated)
Oct 15th, 13:00 UTC
Website Open (Deposit Start)
Oct 16th, 10:00 UTC
Pre-IHO Start
Oct 16th, 11:50~12:00 UTC
Initial LP Create
Oct 16th, 12:00 UTC
Pre-IHO End
BEE Claim Start
Oct 16th, 13:00 UTC
Royal Jelly & NFT Jelly Pools Start
Oct 16th, 13:30 UTC
Official Farming Start
Actual Time will vary depending on block time.
To keep the launch fair and prevent front-run bots from buying in advance of users, BEE will be distributed through Initial HoneyFarm Offering.
Royal Jelly for depositing BEE will start 1 hour after Pre-IHO ends.
Layer 4 farming will start at block #11823981
Estimated Target Date: Sat Oct 16th, 2021, 13:30 UTC.
Deposit will be open to farming pools prior to the official farming start time. Rewards will be generated right after farming start.
Dev will pre-mine 13,420 BEEs for liquidity pools setup and pre-IHO. - 12,334 BEEs for pre-IHO - 1,000 BEEs for Initial Liquidity (* Liquidity will be locked forever)
- 86 BEEs for air-drop and giveaway
BEE-BUSD, BEE-BNB liquidity will be added before BEE is distributed after pre-IHO ends. (500 BEEs for each liquidity pools, price @ $300/each)
Follow us on Twitter and join the HoneyFarm Announcements Telegram Channel / Communication Telegram Room for upcoming updates.
Above pre-mine quantity is in case of pre-IHO target is 100% raised
Actual quantity may vary depending on pre-IHO result
HoneyBee will sting bots like a bee! Front-Run bots will be blacklisted from trading BEE.
HoneyFarm will blacklist Front-Run bots which takes unfair advantage 5 times over innocent users by detecting transactions on mempool. (at the same block on the other transaction)
Last updated