BEE Token
Token Info
Name: HoneyBee Token π
Symbol: BEE
Contract Address: 0x1A8d7AC01d21991BF5249A3657C97b2B6d919222
Chain: Binance Smart Chain(BEP-20)
BEE token emission unlimited
Emission rate
0.05 BEE / block
9.09% dev fee for project growth and cooperation
9.09% BEE commission from emission will be used exclusively for future partnerships with other farms and vaults. None of this commission will ever be sold to the open market, which would negatively affect the price of the BEE token.
BeeKeeper (Deposit Fee)
When users deposit on HoneyFarm Layer4 - HoneyBee, 3% deposit fee will be charged. Remember! $BEE & $MOON & $BEAR & $HONEY-related farms and pool do not charge deposit fee!
40% will be used for advertising, infrastructure and dev fee
60% of deposit fee will be used for buyback, Royal Jelly and NFT Jelly
Giant Hornet (Withdrawal Fee)
When users withdraw on HoneyBEE, 3% to 0% withdrawal fee will be charged. Remember! $BEE & $MOON & $BEAR & $HONEY-related farms and pools do not charge withdrawal fee!
40% will be used for advertising, infrastructure and dev fee
60% of deposit fee will be used for buyback, Royal Jelly and NFT Jelly
Transfer Tax
There's 1% of transfer tax on BEE. When users buy/sell/deposit/withdraw/provide or remove LP, 1% of the total amount will be deducted as tax and burned directly.
Please set slippage tolerance to at least 1.5% or more to prevent transaction revert.
It is recommended to put it to 3% considering price fluctuation.
Last updated